Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pop Y'a Art

                                BY: Jesus Echevarria
This photo was for a project MS.Young had photo2 do, that I think the class really liked. Before we got started we had to know the history of pop art and MS.Young taught us really great skills on how to improve it. On this project we used our self's as the subject and had someone in your group of three take the picture of you doing different poses or emotions. After i selected 9pictures I liked for my project and went on photo shop to edit the photo by deleting the back ground, desaturating the image, and adding color to it. I think this project was fun because we where able to play with the colors, and add what we wanted to the Image of our self's.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good photo(: my only adivce would be next time make your face a little more visible
