Monday, September 23, 2013


BY: Jesus Echevarria

This photo is a panoramic that i took for a class project. In order to get this photo i took many shots after each other and used the photo shop program to edit the pictures and stitch them together. I decided that i was gonna take a shot of the football field, because its long and its seems like a good subject with bright vibrant colors. This is a skill i enjoyed learning in class and want to keep on getting better at it, and improve my shots as i practice more.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hand stand!

                                                                                                                          BY: Eduardo Vasquez

About me!

My name is Jesus Echevarria, i am 17 year old , and a sophmore at Orange Glen High School. I am a typical kid who was born and raised in Escondido, i am the third born of 4 sibling. I am an athletic kid who enjoys playing soccer, football, and likes to work out for fun. One of my hobbies is skateboarding, and swimming when i have spare time. My goals are to get good grades, and be the best kid i can, listen to my parents, and do good. I find photography to be interesting because its not as simple as it seems, also i like to learn new things, and a photo is a great way to keep memories and some shots are just unique or irreplaceable.


This photo is one of my favorites because i really liked the process of developing the shot. The photo was taken last year for a panning project in photo1 for MS.Youngs class. I used Tony one of last years seniors as my subject for my panning project. It was hard to get a good shot at first because we had minor setbacks with the weather and time of day for the shot. The weather on this day was very cloudy and it was taken in the first period of the school day when the sun does not shine as bright, but that was all fixed with some minor adjustments to the camera settings.